Connection Medical Centre - Doctors Tumut

Patients presenting to our clinic do not need to wear a face mask, however if you are unwell patients have the option to continue to wear. Please advise reception before your appointment if you have any flu like symptoms, or currently have covid.

Connection Medical Centre is encouraging all existing patients to make a teleconference appointment

Teleconference appointments aim to reduce the impact of COVID-19 by limiting the number of patients in our surgery, as well as protecting the “at risk” patients in our community.

Patients continue to phone our practice on Ph: 69476711 and make a teleconference appointment. Once the Doctor is available, they will phone you back to consult over the phone. All these consults are bulk billed.

If appointments are available, walk in or same day appointments can also be arranged. Home visits can be arranged if needed, please ask when phoning our reception staff.

Connection Medical Centre is a Private practice and therefore consultation fees may apply to your visit if not Bulk Billed.

Appointments can be made with Dr Tran depending on availability.

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Providing quality general practice care to the community of Tumut and surrounds, in a friendly and caring environment.

Connection Medical Centre was established in 1999 with current owner Dr Thi Tran commencing 2003. In 2002, CMC was awarded the prestigious NSW/ACT Practice of the Year Award recognising its level of service, quality and care offered to Tumut and the surrounding areas.

All CMC Doctors are experienced Rural General Practitioners or general practice registrars training to fulfil the RACGP fellowship.

Our mission statement is to provide total and competent general practice care to the community in a friendly and caring environment.

CMC currently has 2 General Practitioners, and provides in-house services to our community with the help of our visiting specialists/allied health services. These services are provided from our consulting rooms for the convenience of our patients.

Our services

General medical care for all family members:

  • Surgical procedures

  • Pre-Employment Medicals and work related injuries

  • Wound & leg ulcer management

  • Health Screening

  • ATSI Health Checks

  • General immunisation

  • Childhood vaccinations

  • Travel health care and immunisation

  • Women's healthcare and advice

  • Men's healthcare and advice

  • Uniting Nursing home visits

  • Blakeney Lodge Home Visits

  • Home Visits

  • Audiometry

  • Spirometry

  • ECG

  • Holter Monitor

  • INR testing

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Visiting Services

Visiting Specialists to CMC

Urolgist: Dr Thomas

General, Breast, Endocrine and Laparoscopic Surgeon: Dr Thompson

Nephrologist: Dr Gavin Carney

Orthopaedic Surgeon: Dr Andrew Clout

Obstetrician/Gynaecologist: Dr Nita Dhupar

Geriatrician: Dr Choudhry

Allied Health Providers

Dietitian: Ingrained Nutrition

Podiatrist: HealthKlinix Tumut

Sleep Apnoea Testing: Tim Cubis

Mental Health Nurse: Martin Alster

Diabetes Educator: Donna Hann

Hearing Aid Specialists Riverina


Practice Communication with patients

Patients are able to contact the practice by phone during the advertised opening hours, outside of these hours the practice can be contacted via email, please allow at least 1 business day for email response. Under no circumstances will medical results be given to a patient over the phone or via email, results can only be given to a patient in person by a GP.

Our Team

General Practitioners:

  • Dr Thi Tran

Practice Manager:

  • Anthony Reid 

Practice Nurse:

  • Jo

Medical Receptionists

  • Colleen, Crystal, Raena, Melanie and Grace

 Your Privacy and Rights as a Patient

The CMC is aware of and adheres with all Commonwealth and NSW Privacy legislation. Please review our Patient Privacy Policy Documentation in the waiting area. All the team members as well as allied health personnel understand their responsibilities in regards to your privacy and the confidentiality of your health record and have signed confidentiality agreements. Your record will only be accessed by authorised persons.

If you have a problem or concern with any aspect of our surgery, please contact the Business Manager. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may wish to contact the NSW Healthcare Complaints Commission on 1800043159.

Practice Billing Policy

Connection Medical Centre is a private practice, and as such is a fee-paying surgery, however Doctors may bulk bill at times.

Payment is expected in full at the time of your consultation, otherwise an administration fee of 16.50 (inc. GST) will be applied. Patients who have accounts outstanding for more than 60 days will be unable to make an appointment with a doctor, unless in an emergency, until their account is paid in full. Payments may be made by: Cash, Credit Card, EFTPOS or Cheque.

All pensioners and children under 16 will be automatically bulked billed. In order to receive the discount, all patients MUST supply their current Medicare card and pension card. All telehealth appointments are also bulled billed.

Fees as from 1/11/2023 are as follows –

Consult Item Practice fee (if not bulk billed) Medicare Rebate (Bulk Bill Rate) Out of Pocket (if not billed billed)

Level A Consult $70.00 $18.95 $51.05

 Level B Consult $100.00 $41.40 $58.60 

Level C Consult $150.00 $80.10 $69.90

Level D Consult $200.00 $118.00 $82.00

Please note that all new patients, and returning patients after a five year period will be charged a minimum consultation fee of $100 which will receive a Medicare rebate. A non-attendance fee of $50 will apply to appointments made and not cancelled prior to appointment.

 Make an appointment 02 69476711 

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